
Amphibian and Reptile Website
Hong Kong's wildlife, notably the amphibian and reptile population, has long been pested with different threats caused by humans. We aim to enlighten the public about the severe threats that are plaguing the otherwise staggering natural environment in Hong Kong and bring a cease to these actions.

Members of the public lack enough knowledge about amphibians and reptiles, needless to say how to protect them. We hope to raise their awareness on the threats to local amphibians and reptiles via an IG post, because social media is widely used in these days.
The post will outline the 6 major threats to amphibians and reptiles, including releasing animals, poaching, habitat loss, human activity, invasive species and the lack of knowledge of amphibians and reptiles.

Our group made posts on each specific threat of the herps in Hong Kong. We went into detail about our threat and gave an explanation. So far we have talked about poaching, animal trading and chytrid fungus. We plan to make more posts about other threats in the future.
(account name: herper_threats_group01)

Night Walk Song!
With the advancement of technology evolving evermore, we decided to create a music video that could innovate other herper-lovers for our mission. In our music video attached above, we discuss the actions we could take to help conserve the reptiles and amphibians in the wild.

We’ve learnt loads about reptiles and amphibians, but what does it take to become a true herper? That’s a rhetorical question, but truest, what matters the most is of one to be observant and impartial when meeting and learning about a new species, the public may often see them as venomous and dangerous, but actually they are really cute and nice, and will not attack for no reason.
This program taught us how to identify similar species, branches of common ancestors that came out totally different and most importantly, being kind to our lovely companions that are vital to our ecosystem.